Title: Starting a Free School of Architecture
Location: Association of Architectural Educators - Charrette Journal, 2019
Description: A peer reviewed article outlining the events up to and including the Free School of Architecture in 2018.
Title: Heaven's Embroidered Cloths
Location: Warren Trust Prize for Architectural Writing, 2015
Description: The winning essay in the inaugural competition comparing a summer in Lyttelton with a summer in Nepal.
Title: Wear it Out
Location: Warren Trust Prize for Architectural Writing, 2019
Description: An essay published in the Warren Trust Compendium about the Bauhaus and Karla Grosche.
Title: LA like Nicotine, LA like Honey
Location: Warren Trust Prize for Architectural Writing, 2017
Description: An essay published in the Warren Trust Compendium about Los Angeles through the eyes of two people.
Title: ArchDaily Profile
Location: ArchDaily, 2017
Description: A collection of articles written while employed as an Archdaily intern.
Title: Lyttelton Studio - Bull O'Sullivan
Location: City House Country House, 2016
Description: A short description piece describing Michael O'Sullivan's Studio in Lyttelton.
Title: Thesis Press
Location: NZIA Student Design Awards
Description: The House that Politics Built: Parliament Aotearoa - Highly Commended in the NZIA Student Design Awards 2015.
Title: Thesis Press
Location: RIBA President's Medals
Description: The House that Politics Built: Parliament Aotearoa - Commended in the RIBA President's Medals 2016.